On Friday, April 24, 2015 08:21:36 PM Rogovin, Kevin wrote:
> > Checking brw->ctx.Shader._CurrentFragmentProgram != NULL is unnecessary.
> > There is always a valid pixel shader.  (If the application is using 
> > fixed-function, we supply a fragment shader for them.)  Please drop that 
> > check.
> Without this check(in the Gen7 function/code), about 30 crashes are induced 
> on piglit tests for Gen7; the tests are all using GL fixed function pipeline. 
> I have not run piglit without this check on Gen8 though.

My mistake - we always have a pixel shader, but I think only GLSL
programs have a _CurrentFragmentProgram pointer in place.  Certainly ARB
programs don't have a gl_shader_program, so you're right, this check is

> > I thought that UAVs were essentially for Images...I'm not clear why this is 
> > needed.  Perhaps Curro can confirm one way or another.
> The essential reason is to guarantee that the pixel shader gets invoked by 
> Gen even when all render target surfaces are NULL surfaces. There are other 
> flags one can use, but the UAV seems (to me) the most natural.
> -Kevin

Yeah, that makes sense.  Seems fine.

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