I've run into a problem building fsl-image-test.  It exits with the following:

| /home/john/fsl-community-bsp/build/tmp/sysroots/x86_64-linux/usr/libexec/armv7a-vfp-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/gcc/arm-poky-linux-gnueabi/4.8.1/ld: cannot find -lGL
| collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
| make: *** [libGLU.la] Error 1
| ERROR: oe_runmake failed
| ERROR: Function failed: do_compile (log file is located at /home/john/fsl-community-bsp/build/tmp/work/armv7a-vfp-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/libglu/2_9.0.0-0/temp/log.do_compile.7553) ERROR: Task 4474 (/home/john/fsl-community-bsp/sources/poky/meta/recipes-graphics/mesa/libglu_9.0.0.bb, do_compile) failed with exit code '1' NOTE: Tasks Summary: Attempted 2355 tasks of which 2351 didn't need to be rerun and 1 failed.
Waiting for 0 running tasks to finish:

Summary: 1 task failed:

/home/john/fsl-community-bsp/sources/poky/meta/recipes-graphics/mesa/libglu_9.0.0.bb, do_compile
Summary: There was 1 ERROR message shown, returning a non-zero exit code.

It appears that during the build of libGLU, it attempts to find a shared library named libGL.so somewhere in the library search path and it cannot find it.

The recipe DEPENDS on virtual/libgl, so I'm guessing that this library 'should' have been built prior to the building of libGLU.

Searching for the file libGL* in the build/tmp directory yields a number of 

john@leo:~/fsl-community-bsp/build/tmp$ find . -name libGL*

Here is are the -L options from the build command as reported in log.do_compile.


However, none of these paths contain a libGL.so file. Based on the PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/libgl_mx6 this 'should' be gpu-viv-bin-mx6q. Is it possible that a step is missing during do_install for gpu-viv-bin-mx6q or mesa? I'm building for wandboard-dual.

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