On 15 Jul 2013, at 09:02, Thomas Senyk wrote:

> On Friday, 12 July, 2013 17:44:41 Chris Tapp wrote:
>> Hi John,
>> On 12 Jul 2013, at 15:12, John Weber wrote:
>>> Hi Chris,
>>>> That's unfortunate as I need a pipeline which can run on many different
>>>> platforms, including 'standard pc'. This was one reason why I was using
>>>> fakesink to capture the images - v4l looked like a way to go so that I
>>>> could stream the video direct to the screen and get the full benefits of
>>>> any acceleration supported by a platform (zero copy, etc.).> 
>>> I think you will probably need to build an application that creates a
>>> pipeline based on the host.  For example, a desktop system probably will
>>> not have much use for V4L output devices, so they might not use v4l2sink
>>> but autovideosink. On a i.MX6 for example, you'll want to use
>>> mfw_v4lsink, which as I understand it does take advantage of some of the
>>> built-in acceleration.
>>> Also, for video decoding (H.264 decompression I mean), you'll want to
>>> change the element you use there as well.  For i.MX6 this is vpudec, but
>>> for general purpose there is x264dec (think that is the name but not
>>> sure).
>> Yes, that's one of the reasons I've been using playbin2 and fakesink. I'm
>> hoping that playbin will build a decent decode pipeline and I can then use
>> the frames in fakesink to create an OpenGLES texture which I can render in
>> my app. This also gives a portable way of rendering the video where I want,
>> at the size I need and without and decoration.
>> I was hoping that glupload may help make this more efficient, but I can't
>> even get gst-plugins-gl to build at the moment.
> I'm not sure if glupload will help you. 
> I tried last week to integrate into Qt and failed.
> It heavily depends on the usecase and whether your using X11 or not.
> The reason why gst-plugins-gl is applicable for me/QtMultimedia:
> https://lists.yoctoproject.org/pipermail/meta-freescale/2013-July/003563.html
> Maybe your usecase is different.
> Maybe it's good enough for you to render into another framebuffer or you're 
> using X11.

I saw the thread you started on this. I am using X, which is why I was think it 
was worth trying to see if I got a performance boost.

>> Chris Tapp
>> opensou...@keylevel.com
>> www.keylevel.com
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