
I am not using the Intel driver but the Vivante one packaged
by these recipes :


Do you think I can use another version of gpu-viv-bin-mx6q and
xf86-video-imxfb keeping my 3.0.35 kernel ? 



2017-04-28 11:52, Chris Tapp a écrit : 

> Hi Vincent, 
> I saw
something similar to this a while back with Fido when using the Intel
video driver (Thread ""Crazy" Xorg memory usage after upgrading from
Daisy to Fido"). 
> My app would often get killed due to lack of
memory, but it sometimes ran long enough that a load of memory was
released back to the pool and the app would then run as long as I left
it running. 
> My fix was:
> The undesirable memory usage within
Xorg isn't there if I create an xorg.conf file containing:
> Section
> Identifier "Intel Video"
> Driver "intel"
> Option "TearFree"
> EndSection
> So it looks as if I need to enable "TearFree".
I didn't need to add this for the 2.99.910 version of xf86-video-intel
included with 'daisy'. 
> This probably won't work for you, but it
may be worth a try.
> Chris 
>> On 28 Apr 2017, at 10:21, Vincent
DEHORS <vincent.deh...@smile.fr> wrote: 
>> Hi, 
>> I use a dora
branch (as constructor only provides a 3.0.35 kernel) and when I launch
any graphical application using libGLES2 (with X11), the memory increase
continuously until there is no memory left (and oom-killer kill the
>> I can see the leak with a minimalist Qt5/qml application
with an animation or with a Gstreamer pipeline using eglvivsink. 
Is there any known issue with graphic application in old BSP for i.MX6 ?

>> If the leak is located in the proprietary libGL, is there a way
to use a more recent one without upgrading the kernel version ? 
>> Vincent 
>> -- 
>> meta-freescale
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>> meta-freescale@yoctoproject.org
> -- 
Chris Tapp 
> opensou...@keylevel.com 
> www.keylevel.com [1] 
> ----

> You can tell you're getting older when your car insurance gets real

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