On Sat, Apr 27, 2024 at 07:19:21AM GMT, Eric Wong wrote:
> Correct, public-inbox currently won't index every header due to
> cost, false positives, and otherwise lack of usefulness (general
> gibberish from DKIM sigs, various UUIDs, etc).
> So it doesn't currently know about "X-stable:"
> I started working on making headers indexing configurable last
> year, but didn't hear a response from the person that
> potentially was interested:
> https://public-inbox.org/meta/20231120032132.M610564@dcvr/
> Right now, indexing new headers + validations can be maintained
> as a Perl module in the public-inbox codebase.
> For lore, it'd make sense to be able to configure a bunch (or
> all) inboxes at once instead of the per-inbox configuration in
> my proposed RFC.
> At minimum, one would have to know:
> 1) the mail header name (e.g. `X-stable')
> 2) the search prefix to use (e.g. `xstable:') # can't use dash `-' AFAIK
> 3) the type of header value (phrase, string, sortable numeric, etc...)

I'm whole-heartedly for this! This ties nicely to my b4 work where I'd 
like to be able to identify code-review trailers sent for a specific 
patch, even if that patch itself is not on lore. For example, this could 
be a patch that is part of a pull-request on a git forge, but we'd still 
like to be able to collect and find code-review trailers for it when a 
maintainer applies it.

Currently, I am using the following approach:

| Reviewed-by: Some Developer <some....@example.org>
| ---
| for-patch-id: abcd...1234

Then I can query 'nq:"for-patch-id: abcd...1234"', but this is probably 
much more heavy than if I could provide this in a custom header:

| X-For-Patch-ID: abcd...1234

and query for "xforpatchid:abcd...1234"

> I'm trying to avoid supporting sortable numeric values for this,
> since supporting them will problems if columns get repurposed
> with admins changing their minds.   A full reindex would fix it,
> but those are crazy expensive.

I'm perfectly fine with it only being a string, honestly.

> So probably just supporting strings and/or phrases to start...
> Validation to prevent poisoning by malicious/broken senders can
> be useful in some cases (and the reason the RFC was a per use
> case Perl module).  That said, I'm not sure if much validation
> is necessary for X-stable: headers or if just any text is fine.

I'd let the consumer clients worry about it.


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