>The repeat goes through a text in a variable and if it finds words with
>certain characteristics I want it to stop, allow me to change those
>characteristics and then go on to the next words.
>Imagine a speller looking for misspelled words in a text, stopping when it
>finds one and continuing after some input from the user.
>I considered your suggestions but I decided the "cleanest" solution was
>using the modal window.
>I just hoped there was something I didn't know.....in terms of interrupting
>a repeat temporarily.

on doStuff
  put line 1 of field "text" into theEntireText
  put the number of words of theEntireText into theBigCounter
  put "1" into whichWord
  repeat until whichWord > theBigCounter
    put word whichWord of theEntireText into testWord
    put "1" into whichChar
    --Use the next repeat only if you're dealing with individual chars
    repeat until whichChar > the number of chars of testWord
     -- handle the individual chars of each word
     -- if you find something special, put the word or char into a 
variable, then exit repeat
    end repeat

    -- do more stuff here if necessary, which it probably is
    -- if the special word or char in the above repeat is special, and we 
    -- to  jump out of this loop, do an exit repeat

    add 1 to whichWord
  end repeat

  --do even MORE fun stuff!
end doStuff

>Maybe there should be something like "stop repeat....resume".

Probably not necessary.

>Regards, Andu

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