>OK, here's what I want to do...
>I have a stack named "Quizmaker."  It has a button named "Create Quiz".
>When the button is clicked, I want the script to:
>1.  Clone the stack (Quizmaker).
>2.  Ask the user to supply a name using "ask file"
>(1 and 2 could be in the reverse order...)
>3.  Save the cloned stack as whatever they named it.
>4.  Send a message to the newly named clone stack.
>I can do 1 - 3, but when I try to script 4, I can't seem to get it right.
>The newly named cloned stack is not a main stack, there's no main stack
>assigned, and so it refuses to accept any messages.  How do I make the newly
>named cloned stack a mainstack (of itself) via scripting?  PLEASE help me if
>you can!!!!!!  Thanks in advance.

Keep trying, it should work. If you want you can set the defaultStack to
the new stack.

>Richard MacLemale

Regards, Andu

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