At 12:09 PM +0100 25/10/1999, Kevin Miller wrote:
>On Saturday, Oct 23 1999, Gregory Lypny wrote:
>> Hi List Members,
>>      I'm developing some university courseware with MetaCard.  I'll be
>> distributing it to my students, and the stacks will monitor their use of
>> it (e.g., time spent per session, time spent per card, errors in
>> answering questions and so on).  I want that usage information returned
>> to me.  What's the best way to do it?
>I if you can wait for the 2.3 release you'll be able to send email from
>inside that.  (If your need is immediate, you can use the POST command to
>post data to a CGI which comes back to you as an email.  If you contact me
>off list I can supply a CGI URL if you don't have one and scripts to get you

Can someone give a hint of how to do this in 2.3? I guess it involves 
using the "sockets" features, but I'm baffled as to how to use these 
features at the client end for e-mail, ftp, or whatever.

Just a couple of lines of script to set me on my way would be greatly 
appreciated. Anyone?

Dave Cragg
The LACS Centre (Business English Training Resources)

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