OK.  Say I've got a stack with a group of buttons named "menu buttons" at 
the top of the window. (Don't actually SAY it... think it in your head.)  I
designate this group to be my menu bar. On the Mac OS, I set the editMenus
property of the stack to false, and the buttons become the menu bar for the
stack.  And the stack's height shrinks accordingly.

Fine.  So now my buttons group has become my menu bar.  I clone the stack.
Lo and behold, the new stack has been reduced in height, as if to compensate
for the group that I've already designated to use as my menu bar.  Huh?

If I set the editMenus to true and clone the stack, the height of the new
clone is the same as the original.  But if I set the editMenus to false and
clone the stack, the height of the new clone is less than the original.
Shouldn't this be the same?  Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?
The stack I'm making has to be able to clone itself, and cross platform
compatibility is a must.  I can script around this, but if there's something
I'm missing here, I'd like to know.  I'm using MetaCard 2.3B2.

Other than this issue, I LOVE  beta 2.  Awesome!

Richard MacLemale

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