Richard MacLemale wrote:

> I know that several people are working on their own on a 
> spell check engine for MetaCard.


Its a good algorithm, but I think it could be simplified a bit.


function soundex thisWord
  -- returns <thisWord> less any vowels, near-vowels and 
  -- duplicate characters, allowing them in the 1st character
  -- eg soundex("abracadddabra") -> "abrcdbr"
  put char 1 of thisWord into prevChar
  put prevChar into soundexString
  repeat with j = 2 to the length of thisWord
    put char j of thisWord into c
    if c is not in ("aeiouyh" & prevChar)
    then put c after soundexString
    put c into prevChar
  end repeat
  return soundexString
end soundex

Note also that when you are building your dictionary, you don't need to
call it a word at a time. Spaces, commas and returns aren't removed by
the function, so to build your dictionary you can use something like:

put soundex(field "Dictionary") into field "Soundex Dictionary"

(although if you do this, I'd recommend putting some sort of progress
indicator into the soundex function).

Hope this is useful.

Steven D'Aprano

M.B. Sales Pty Ltd    Ph:  +61 3 9460-5244
A.C.N. 005-964-796    Fax: +61 3 9462-1161

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