Darn, I hate when the answer to my confused question was in the 
Reference stack all along. I was looking for something to do with the 
menuPick syntax, when what I was missing was just the correct "send" 

To recap, I created an option button (called "recentStacks") that I 
stuck on the Home card, which keeps a list of the stacks I work on so 
I can just open them from the button instead of going through the 
File menu or whatever. At the end of the list I inserted a divider 
line and then an Other... item which just accesses the open file 
dialog box.

That worked just fine. I added the following to the Home stack script 
to get the recent stack names to add themselves to the option button 

on closeStack
   if the short name of the topStack is not among \
     the lines of btn "recentStacks" of cd 1 of stack "Home" then
     put the short name of the topStack & return before line \
     ((the num of lines of btn "recentStacks" of cd 1 of stack "Home") - 1) \
         of btn "recentStacks" of cd 1 of stack "Home"
   end if
end closeStack

The script of the option button is mostly stolen from somewhere else 
in the provided MetaCard stacks, I think it was probably just from 
the MetaCard File, Open menu item itself:

on menuPick which
   if which is not "Other..." then
     open stack which
     local filterstring
     if the systemFileSelector then
       switch the platform
       case "Win32"
         put "MetaCard Stacks" & cr & "*.mc" & cr & "All Files" & cr & "*.*"
           \into filterstring
       case "MacOS"
         put "MSTKSTAK" into filterstring
         put "*.mc" into filterstring
       end switch
     else put "*.mc" into filterstring
     answer file "Open stack:" with filter filterstring
     if it is not empty then
       set the cursor to watch
       topLevel it
     end if
   end if
end menuPick

This worked fine, too. The next thing I wanted to do was to make the 
option button act like a default button, so if I pressed Return/Enter 
it would open the stack whose name was currently showing on the 
option button.

The solution was the following in the Home card script:

on returnKey
   get the label of btn "recentStacks"
   send "menuPick it" to btn "recentStacks"
end returnKey

The reason I hadn't been able to make it work before was just because 
I hadn't figured out that I had to put the "menuPick it" bit in 
quotes. Arrghh!

Anyway, thanks to everyone for helping.


David Cramer, Process Innovation Evangelist          87-1313 Border Street
PBSC Computer Training Centres (an IBM company)      Winnipeg MB R3H 0X4
Corporate Office Research & Development              Canada

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