On 1/28/00 10:41 AM, Craig Spooner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I have a field which contains short phrases that have been set to the 
>"group" textStyle so that the clickText function will return the 
>whole phrase.  I would like to set the style to Bold when the user 
>clicks on the phrases, then back to "normal" when something else gets 
>clicked.  The only way I can think to do it is to set everything to 
>"plain," but then I lose the grouped text!
>What I guess I want is something like "set the textStyle ... to 
>"notBold"  Is that possible?

I don't know if notBold is possible, but this seems to work: I created a 
field and set its script to the following:

on mouseUp
  global oldStyle, oldchunk
  put the clickChunk into newChunk  --store these, we'll need them later
  put the textStyle of the ClickChunk into newStyle
  if oldChunk is not empty then  --the first time, there is no value
    --this seems to erase the clickChunk value:
    set the textStyle of oldChunk to oldStyle  --unbold the original
  end if
  put newStyle into oldStyle  --remember for later
  put newChunk into oldChunk
  select newChunk  --hilite to show what we're working on
  if newStyle is empty then  --plain text
    put newChunk  --so I can see what it's doing; remove for production
    set the textStyle of  newChunk to "Bold"  --set the style of the 
  else  --has formatting
    put ",Bold" after newStyle  --add bold to the style
    put newChunk && newStyle  --debugging here; remove in production
    set the textStyle of  newChunk to newStyle  --set the style
  end if
  wait 1 second
  select empty  --remove the hilite
end mouseUp

It adds bold to the current formatting of text that is clicked, and puts 
back the original formatting of the text when something else is clicked. 
It even works on bolded text. I guess MetaCard doesn't mind a textStyle 
of "Bold,Bold"  :-)

One thing to consider is that the bolding changes the size of the text. 
This can lead to odd (although seemingly correct) behavior, as the thing 
you click shifts suddenly to the left because something before it just 
became plain text, having been bolded by the last click.

Anyway, there you go.


Geoff Canyon
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