Thank you, Geoff. I'll try this on some discrete fields. As you can
imagine, there are a lot of permutations of vowels. Unfortunately, it
won't work for ae/æ, but that's a horse of a different color.  Thanks, again!


> If you are searching in a particular field, the matchChunk function would
> do the trick. First you have to create a search string that will do what
> you want. To do that, you could use replaceText:
> replace "e" with "[eé]" in theSearchString  --do this for each of the
> special characters
> --then wrap the search string:
> put ".*(" & theSearchString & ").*" into theSearchString
> --the parenthesis turn it into a substring match, and the .*'s make it
> fit in anywhere
> --Then use matchChunk to see whether you have a match:
> put matchChunk(theSourceString,theSearchString,hitStart,hitEnd) into
> foundIt
> --then foundIt is true if we got a match, and if we got a match,
> --hitStart and hitEnd are the char offsets of the match
> gc
> Geoff Canyon
> Your child can learn to read using the classics of children's literature.
> Check out C.D. Caterpillar: <>

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