Some clarification...
What I am trying to do is simulate an MDI window. I have several grouped
backgrounds each representing a window. I am trying to get these fake
windows to exhibit standard behaviour such as:
when the user clicks anywhere on the window it comes to the front. I have
tried switching the layers of the groups... however the problem is they are
groups - which contain objects with their own layer numbers. Is there an
easy way to relayer the group and its contained objects?

There is probably a better way to architect this but I am after a quick &
dirty mockup...

Blair Moxon

> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2000 6:26 PM
> Subject:      Setting the layer question
> Hello again,
> Is there an easy way to set the layer of an object (dynamically) so that
> when the user clicks on it the object comes to the front of the window. I
> have tried setting the layer to a variable which works, but have had
> inconsistent results.i.e.
        # example of the script on the group "fakewindow"

> on mouseUp
>   put the layer of group "Frame" into  tborder  
        # "Frame" represents the MDI window border layer number which is the
topmost layer 

>   subtract 1 from  tborder
>   put  tborder into newLayer
>   set the layer of group " fakewindow " to newLayer
> end mouseUp

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