On Wed, 16 Feb 2000, Craig Spooner wrote:

> Hi y'all,
> I've noticed a big slowdown when trying to hide and show fields and 
> buttons that have been grouped.  The sluggishness is considerable. 
> Is there something about having objects in a group/background that 
> would account for this?

Not that I can think of.

> Here's what I'm trying to do:  I have one pop-up menu that hides or 
> shows other fields and buttons depending on its label (i.e., the menu 
> item selected).

My guess would be just that the delays are caused by redraws.  This
will be particularly bad if you're hiding or showing images (set their
alwaysBuffer property to true to minimize this) or if you have other
complex objects (like graphics with a lot of points) in the group or
intersecting the group.

> Thanks for any insight you can give.
> Craig
> /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
> \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/
> Craig Spooner
> Instructional Multimedia "Guy"
> and WebCT Administrator
> Office of Instructional Services
> Colorado State University
> (970) 491-2516
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