
>....just hard to stop 
>my brain loop of hitting the f keys... any solutions out there???

The following is mine--placed in the home stack. I use it mostly for F5 
and F8--they both toggle. F1 (undo) is a little quirky sometimes, but I 
don't think I understand what 'undo' means in MC.

on functionkey theKey
  if thekey is 1 then undo
  if thekey is 2 then cut
  if thekey is 3 then copy
  if thekey is 4 then paste
  if thekey is 5 then
    get the tool
    if it="browse tool" then choose pointer tool
    else choose browse tool
  end if
  if thekey is 8 then
    get the openstacks
    if "tools" is in it then close stack "tools"
    else palette "tools"
  end if
  if thekey is 9 then edit the script of this cd
  if thekey is 10 then edit the script of this stack
  if thekey is 11 then edit the script of stack "home"
end functionkey

What's the thing (critter?) under your name?


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