Thanks to Andu and Scott Raney for the ftp MetaCard stack!  Using the ftp
stack as an example, I've built a stack that can upload and download files
to a password-protected server via ftp, and all the user has to do is click
one button.  Love it, LOVE IT!

And now of course I have another question! When uploading a file, I did not
want to read it all into memory first... rather, I wanted to read a bit,
send a bit, read a bit, send a bit, etc.  This would cut down dramatically
on RAM usage for folks sending huge files.  To make a real long story short,
I got it working.  But in order for it to work, I had to get the file size
of the file I was sending.  My current way of doing this is inelegant...

 put 0 into tBytes
  repeat while the result is not "eof"
    read from file sourceName for 20000 characters
    put the number of characters in it + tBytes into tBytes
  end repeat
  close file sourceName

Can anyone suggest the best way to do this in the Mac and also Windows?  If
so, thanks in advance!

Richard MacLemale

Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

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