>On 8/6/00 6:14 pm, Richard Gaskin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> There are two ways to make menus in MC:  As a stack, or as a text list.
>> Both can be used at the discretion of the developer for most cases, except
>> woith contextual menus, where the developer must use a stack.
>> It is this very case which is also the most challenging, since contextual
>> menus, by their very nature, are always changing.
>> It would be ultra cool of there was a way to call a function for contextual
>> menus to let us use a text list instead, something like this:
>> on mouseDown
>> put "Item1,Item2,Item3" into tMenu
>> get PopMenu(tMenu,the mouseLoc)
>> DoSeomthingWith it
>> end mouseDown
>> Anyone else think this sort of enhancement would be useful?
>Yes.  Of course, you can write a script that creates a panel menu stack on
>the fly, but it this would make a cool built-in feature.  They'd have to
>figure out where the menuPick handler would get sent though - to the object
>that contained the command to create the menu, or to the current card?

I think to the object that generated it.
>> -- 
>> Richard Gaskin 
>> Fourth World
>> Multimedia Design and Development for Mac, Windows, UNIX, and the Web
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>Kevin Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://www.xworlds.com/>
>Cross Worlds Computing, MetaCard Distributors, Custom Development.
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Regards, Andu

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