>  > I've checked the on-line help and can't find any reference to
>>  encryption in MC apart from stack the protection mechanism.  However,
>>  when I looked at the scripts of the Ask Dialog, I found the use of an
>  > undocumented function "mcencrypt()".  Does anyone know the details of
>>  this function, what it produces and how secure it is?  Also, is there
>>  an mcdecrypt() function or is the mechanism one-way only (a very
>>  common approach!)?
>It should be fairly secure, but it is only one-way.

Thanks Kevin.  Is there anything else to know about the function 
"mcencrypt()" (as it's not documented) or just call it with a string 
and get a string returned?!


Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
Tel: +44 (0)1509 268843 Fax: +44 (0)870 052 7576
Web: http://www.reidit.co.uk

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