Is it possible to determine the type of a file on the MacOS?  I have 
tried looking in the help docs and in the archives.  I did find where 
Scott mentioned that you had to check if files had a certain type, 
but I can't figure out how this could be done.  I know how to filter 
the answer file dialog to only show certain types of files, but I 
would like to filter the file list before displaying it to the user 
in the application I'm working on.  I can use the filter command to 
check for certain text in the file name, but can't come up with a way 
to determine the Mac OS file type of individual files.  Can this be 

Dave Tremmel

David Tremmel
Assistant Director, Phytotron

Duke University
Phytotron Bldg.
Box 90340
Durham, NC  27708-0340

Phone:  (919) 660-7415
FAX:    (919) 660-7425

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