On Tue, 29 Aug 2000, David Bovill wrote:

> What are the values returned to "catch erorrNum"?
>  try
>     send pigeon to the target
>   catch errorNum
>     answer "Error" && errorNum
>   finally
>    -- do something
> end try
> It's a list of errors found, with each line starting with 3 items (numbers) followed 
>by a fourht item (the name of the handler with an error). I think the first items are 
>something like line numbers in the script - anyone know?

The first number is the error number, the second and third are the
line and column in the script, and the fourth is the token that was
being processed when the error occured.  Note that the first number
can be converted to an English string using the list of errors in the
Execution Error stack, but that the numbers (and the English versions
of the errors) change from release to release so you probably
shouldn't write scripts that depend on particular values unless you're
willing to change (or at least check) them each time you upgrade.

Scott Raney  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://www.metacard.com
MetaCard: You know, there's an easier way to do that...

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