Phil Davis wrote:
> I would like MC to detect all incoming connection requests,
> regardless of the requested port, and respond by issuing a
> message. I envision a message whose parameters contain all
> available info on the connection request. If the connection
> request is for a port where the stack is listening, this message
> would be fired before the socket is opened. For example:
>     on socketRequest pPortNum, pRequestData
>       if pPortNum is among the lines of the permittedPorts of me
> then
>         pass socketRequest
>       else
>         put short date && long time & tab \
>             & pPortNum & tab \
>             & digested(pRequestData) & cr \
>             after url "file:log"
>       end if
>     end socketRequest
> Maybe it could be used to prevent the opening of an otherwise
> accepting port under certain conditions, similar to the way
> "closeStackRequest" can be used to prevent the closing of a stack.
> This feature would enable us to build things like firewalls that
> log all connection requests, whether they were honored or not.
> Does this sound useful to anyone besides me?
> --
> Phil Davis
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That's would realy be a top key feature Phil, even on unixes, probably usable to
secure ip-chains configs...

Is it a way to do that avalaible in mc, Scott ?

Regards, Pierre Sahores

WEB, DB, B2B & ASP design.
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rather than being born with built-in knowledge,
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Sampson, Geoffrey. Educating Eve :
The "Language Instinct" debate.
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