> On Fri, 30 Mar 2001 Sivakatirswami <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
> Subject: Cloned Ask and Answer Dialogs
> Ok, Please confirm then
> Use of the "ask" and "answer" commands will invoke ONLY the "ask dialog" and
> "answer dialog" substacks of the mctools.mc
> If that is true, the suggestion to "use of the ask dialog is discouraged,
> however... a better idea is to clone this dialog and give it a more
> descriptive name and context sensitive help."
> I am not sure why that is a "better idea" since there after one's "ask" and
> "Answer" commands would fail and you would need to build your own code from
> the ground up.... I must be missing something terribly simple.
> Hinduism Today
> Sivakatirswami

I had the same discussion some time ago offlist with Scott Raney citing
the same passages. This is really misleading, but there are hints
constructing customized dialogs - maybe incomplete - under the item

As I meanwhile make frequent use of such customized  stacks ( that have
similar functions like the ask and answer dialogs) I could send you
samples offlist.


Wilhelm Sanke

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