Andu wrote:

>Craig Spooner wrote:
>>  I would like to write a little app in MC that sends commands to the
>>  server in the same way that I do currently in telnet from the command
>>  line.  If this is possible, would the app have to be running on the
>>  server or could it be a stack or standalone on my desktop
>>  communicating with the server (I would prefer the latter, if
>>  possible)?  Would this involve the "open socket command"?  Please
>>  forgive my profound ignorance on this subject :-[  but if someone
>>  could point me in the right direction, I would be grateful.
>What kind of commands? What do you want the server to do? What OS is the
>server? Theoretically you could but there may be some security issues
>(we just talked about it a while ago vis a vis cgi scripts) such as
>metacard not being able to do stuff remotely if it's not started by a
>user with proper permissions.

The commands I'd like to execute refer to scripts built into WebCT, 
which is my university's e-learning platform.  Our configuration of 
WebCT runs on an Apache server on AIX.  Here's an example of a 
command I currently use from telnet to change the owner of a course:

./ courseID newDesignerID

I have to cd to the appropriate directory before issuing this 
command, of course, but I was hoping that I could specify the path -- 
along with the courseID and newDesignerID -- as variables in my 
MetaCard app.

I guess my MC application would have to open the connection to the 
server with the correct user name and password, then cd to the 
appropriate directory, then send the command to the Perl script. 
Does this sound like something that's feasible in MC?  I really hope 

Thanks again,



Craig Spooner
Instructional Technology Training and Development
WebCT Administrator
Office of Instructional Services
Colorado State University
(970) 491-2516

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