Robert Brenstein :

> >I just read that Panorama recently released v4.0 (see
> ><>).
> >
> >Given that both MC and Panorama are RAM-based, anyone have insights into why
> >building databases in native MC is discouraged?
> >
> I am not an expert but you are looking at apples and oranges. You can
> build small databases in MC with no problems, but I think that the
> card paradigm does not work well for large databases (like millions
> of records).

Indeed. But if you consider using external txt files for storing
the database records, with sophisticated indexing, it may be

According to some experiments I did lately, using lineoffset,
itemoffset and some (rather sophisticated) indexing, I found
that elements can be retrieved quite fast (0.5 to 1.5 second)
among a list of 2000 to 10000 records.
Actually performances & limits vary according to the type
& complexity of the data... And 10000 being the upper
limit.Most likely 5000 records is an acceptable compromise.

One problem is the native MC "sort" command which is
rather slow. But I guess that using an external could make
things easier...


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