>Hmm.... I thought there was a flag for this so one could do either
>statistical or common rounding.  Is it a property, a function, or am I
>imagining things?

I agree that this is odd behaviour and that '5' should always round up (as
in FileMaker and Excel):
  round (39.105,2) should round up to 39.11 because
  round (39.15,1) rounds up to 39.2

You could 'cheat' by always adding 0.00001 to your amounts. This would
oblige a 5 to think it's a wee bit bigger and so respond appropriately.

Alternatively, set all the source data to 4 decimal places (set the
numberFormat to "0.0000") and the final calc to 2 (set the numberFormat to


Hugh Senior

The Flexible Learning Company
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