>At 11:46 AM +0200 9/13/01, Signe Marie Sanne wrote:
>>>What happened to the disabled appearance of a button in MC2.4? I 
>>>have a standard button, with show border,3D, opaque and disabled, 
>>>white text (255,255,255) on red background. On Mac (8.5) there's 
>>>no difference in the disabled/enabled states, on Windows 2000 the 
>>>white text seems greenish, but otherwise there is no difference 
>>>from the enabled state. Is it no longer enough just scripting: 
>>>enable/disable btn x or checking/unchecking the disabled in the 
>>>button properties?
>>Since I have not received any comments to my posting above, I can 
>>supply further details: The buttons above have no icons, just Show 
>>name. On PC the reason for the greenish look was "set the 
>>selectionhandlecolor to green". When I removed it, the text in the 
>>disabled state became grey as in MC2.3. So on PC it looks OK. On 
>>Mac there is still no discernible difference in the 
>>disabled/enabled states. Is this a bug?
>I'm seeing the text go grey when I disable the button, no matter 
>what else I do. Mac OS 9.0.4, MC 2.4.

Thanks to Ken and Geoff!

(To Ken: my first name is Signe Marie)

I have finally found a solution which works, but seems contradictory:

when I on opening the stack on Mac use - set lookandfeel to "os 
native"-  or - set lookandfeel to "mac" - I still can see no 
difference in the two states. When I ask for: the lookandfeel, it 
answers "Motif" which was the setting I had used earlier on. But when 
I use: set lookandfeel to "windows 95" (still on Mac!!) the disabled 
button's text is dimmed as it should be. It's all right for me that 
the backgroundcolor does not change (as in MC2.3), and I am really 
glad that the size of the button does not swell and become rounded 
(on a standard btn). Now it remains to be seen if this setting will 
affect other things in my programs (?)

Signe Marie

1. amanuensis Signe Marie Sanne      e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Romansk Institutt                            tel:  +47 55 58 21 27
Oysteins gt. 1                                   
5007 Bergen              http://www.hf.uib.no/hfolk/mlab/default.html

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