Hi again folks,

Some of you might remember the question I asked
about 12 days ago about opening processes under

I made some more investigations on this topic, and
it looks like on Mac, processes can be opened (and
apps launched) by a MC standalone, and when it
quits, all apps & processes remain open.

OTOH on Win, things are different : a MC standalone
kills all processes it opened (and all apps it launched)
when quiting (or closing).
For instance, if your standalone opens a browser or
another standalone, everything will quit when your
standalone quits or is closed.

Fortunately, there's a workaround for this problem.
Actually, I needed to detect the presence of QT during
a preopenstack, then launch QTinstaller if no QT and
quit the stack. Of course, QTinstaller would quit shortly
after launching, when the calling MC app would quit.

Here's what I did : I built another (small) standalone
that just launches QTinstaller on openstack.
This new standalone is launched by the main MC app
on preopenstack.
The idea looks like this :
App1 -->  App2  -->  QTinstall

And the script in App1 :
on preopenstack
    get QTversion()
    if = 0 then launch App2
    wait 500

When App1 quits, it also quits App2, but NOT the
process opened by App2 (QTinstaller in that case).

Finally, when QT installation is over, App1 & App2
have quit long time ago (and in a very clean manner).

I would apreciate is anyone has comments and/or
similar experience to share on this topic...


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