This is definitely not a major issue, but one I come across now and then

when I happen to dislike the gray background of field scrollbars in the
Windows look..

The only property of field scrollbars that can be set directly is the
scrollbarwidth. Colors have to be determined indirectly, in case they
can be set at all.

Here the possibilities to set colors of field scrollbars under the
different look-and-feel options of the preferences dialog  (under
Windows OS and Metacard 2.3.2/2.4):

Motif: scrollbar backgroundcolor = shadowcolor of field
         thumbcolor = backgroundcolor of fld
         scrollbar arrowcolor = backgroundcolor of field

This is the most convenient of the options, because the scrollbarcolors
are related to other colors of the field itself.

Windows 95: scrollbar backgroundcolor = cannot be set (always light gray

with a pattern)
                    thumbcolor = backgroundcolor of field
                    scrollbar arrowcolor = backgroundcolor of card

Macintosh:  scrollbar backgroundcolor = shadowcolor of field
                  thumbcolor = cannot be set (always blue)
                  scrollbar arrowcolor = backgroundcolor of card

The Windows and Macintosh options are somewhat awkward: One color cannot

be set, the two others derive from field and card colors.

Maybe these differences are relics from earlier stages of Metacard
development that need to be "sychronized".

The Motif option would be my first choice, were it not for the look of
the Motif checkbox- and radio-buttons.

Feature request:

Couldnīt the Windows and Macintosh options be adapted to the Motif look
(concerning the way to set the colors, not the specific shapes etc.) or
could the possibility be added to set  thumbcolor, arrowcolor,
scrollbarbackgroundcolor of a field directly like the scrollbarwidth?

Any chances this minor issue could be addressed in one of the next

Regards, Wilhelm Sanke

Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

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