Hi Signe Marie,

> Hello,
> Could someone please enlighten me as to why ordinary text (no
> formatting) uploaded via ftp to a server behaves perfectly when
> uploading it from Windows, whereas on Mac all returns have
> disappeared and been replaced by lots of boxes? This is with MC2.4.
> The script I use:
> put "ftp://username:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/diamp/Itadiamp/ItaRes/"; &
> kortfil into tilfil
> put fld "utskrift" of last cd into  url tilfil
> Thanks in advance.

that is an very old and probably very little known problem.

The MacOS handles chars with ascii-numbers >128 different than
Windows/Unix does. That's why all chars aA to zZ and numbers
from 0 to 9 always look OK and others don't.

Thats why some french post here on the list sometimes look more
like chinese...That is just a joke!!!
I personally love france, french and the french people, mais bien sur...
Some of my best friends are french, honestly... :-)

I even saw this problem in "professional" (?) applications like
Internet Explorer on Mac and on Win !!!

But, thank Scott, there is MC.
That will do the necessary translation, if we like to.

Put these little functions in your stackscript and call them
whenever you send or get (!)  text  over the net.

Give them a norwegian name, to make it a bit more familiar ;-)

function macorwin_out dertext  ##german for the text :-)
  if the platform contains "Mac" then
    return mactoiso(dertext)
    return dertext
  end if
end macorwin_send

function macorwin_in dertext
  if the platform contains "Mac" then
    return isotomac(dertext)
    return dertext
  end if
end macorwin_get

In your example you should script:
   put "ftp://username:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/diamp/Itadiamp/ItaRes/"; &
          kortfil into tilfil
         put macorwin_out(fld "utskrift" of last cd) into  url tilfil

When you received some text from the net, use the other function.
 put macorwin_in(url tilfil) into fld "whatever"

Hope that helps.


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