Recently, Michael Walas wrote:

> I have a script with a repeat loop that causes objects to move around the
> screen.  Depending
> on user choices, sometimes there are simultaneous moving objects ( because
> "without waiting"
> was used for the objects move).
> This is the problem.. I want all the objects to finish their moves before the
> rest of the
> script executes.  I need a line after the repeat loop like "wait until the
> moves are done" but
> that doesn't exist.  Anyone have any ideas?

One way is to tally all the moveStopped messages sent from your moving
objects.  You'll need to know all the objects that are moving and either:

1) if the last object to move will always arrive last at its destination,
you can test for this object only in a moveStopped handler

2) build a list of the moving objects and then check them off one at time as
they finish moving



Scott Rossi                       Tactile Media - Multimedia & Design
Creative Director                 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

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