On 8/31/02 9:57 AM, Shari wrote:
>> Hi Shari:
>> Try making different manubar sets and select the one you want on 
>> preOpenCard.
> Very high maintenance.

Actually, after I posted, I noticed you only need to change the menus 
when a card opens. In that case, I think the alternate menu groups idea 
might be a better one with less maintenance.

Since menubars are implemented as groups, and since you can place any 
group on any card, you'd only need to place the correct menu group on 
each card. For Windows and Unix, that's all you'd need. On Mac, a 
preOpenCard handler could set the defaultMenuBar to the group on the card.

If you need to alter the menus you'd only need to change the relevant 
menu group once, since it would be the equivalent of a background object 
in HC and the changes would show up on every card that contains that 
menu group.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com

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