Which is very cool stuff!

I just want to point out one difference that I'm trying to obtain, however: *multiple* long running processes with shared memory, and everything done with Metacard! =).

Since I want most of the work to happen in Metacard, its not as valuable if I can only maintain one Metacard process- then the server can only handle one connection at a time. And simply launching multiple copies of say, MetacardCarbon, works- but its a major memory hog. Thus I'm trying to work with scripts, rather than GUI processes. I can spawn 20 long running scripts and it barely requires more memory than 1!

Of course- PHP is still an option with multiple Metcard processes doing the work, its just one more language to throw into the mix.


FWIW, I believe Pierre Sahores explained a way to use PHP to manage sockets and enable backend use of MC as a long-running process. I think it's related to this thread. (Wherever that explanation is in the archives, maybe Ken Ray would consider adding it to his already excellent Developer Resources section at http://www.sonsothunder.com !)

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