On 9/10/02 3:56 PM, Wilhelm Sanke wrote:

> The special German characters for a, o, and u with dots on top of them -
> the so-called "Umlaute" - are preserved in texts and as names of objects
> when the stacks are transferred from the Mac platform to Windows (of
> course we have learned that you should not behave in an un-American way
> when defining variables, which is a different matter).
> However,  special characters as part of *custom properties* are
> substituted by other characters when the stacks are tranferred from Mac
> to Windows, which led to errors in a language program where we had
> stored the meaning of images and its translation as custom variables. It
> took us some time to find out that the problem was with the custom
> properties.
> So I also ask, is there a workaround for this problem?

I had to do this once. It has to be scripted. You need to determine what 
the current platform is and loop through all the stack's custom 
properties using ISOtoMac() or MacToISO() functions to translate them. 
You can also use the charset function to determine what platform the 
stack was last saved on so that you don't accidentally translate the 
data twice.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com

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