On 9/19/02 9:40 AM, Shari wrote:

> These are supposed to be simple, white, Option style buttons.  This 
> shouldn't be a big hairy thing!

You may need to "set the colors of this stack to the colors of stack 
home". You only need to do this once during development. When you save a 
stack for the first time using the File menu, it is supposed to do that 
automatically for you but I have had instances where it didn't -- 
probably I saved from the message box or something. The stack colors are 
inherited from the Home stack unless you set them differently. When you 
remove the Home stack from the hierarchy, there are no colors to 
inherit. Make sure the stack has its own.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com

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