--On Sunday, November 10, 2002 13:21:04 -0800 Sadhunathan Nadesan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Here's another try for whatever it's worth. I tested it on a file with 7000 lines of about 800k and it takes less then a sec:

on startup
put 0 into tCount
put "mystic_mouse" into tWord
put empty into line 3000 of tChunk
put "/gig/tmp/log/access_log" into tFile
open file tFile for read
put 0 into fOffset
read from file tFile at fOffset+1 for 3000 lines
#can play with that number for best results
put it into tChunk
put 0 into tSkip
get offset (tWord,tChunk,tSkip)
if it is not 0 then
add 1 to tCount
add it+length(tWord) to tSkip
put 0 into tSkip
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
add length(tChunk) to fOffset
if the num of lines of tChunk<3000 then exit repeat
end repeat
put tCount
end startup

Regards, Andu Novac
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