on 12/6/02 2:33 AM, Rodney Tamblyn at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Rodney,

> To clarify what sort of application Metacard is a little further I
> talked to Scott Raney (author of Metacard).  Here's his comments:
> " you've got Apple to thank for the confusion.  There are two
> issues here, the toolkit API and the executable format:
> Carbon - refreshed version of the old Mac GUI API
> Cocoa - refreshed version of the old NeXT GUI API
> Mach-O - native executable format for BSD UNIX (included OS X)
> CFM - old Mac executable format
> Both the Darwin and MetaCardCarbon engines are Mach-O format
> executables.  The PPC engine is a CFM executable."


And although 2.4.3 has name MetaCardCarbon,
You can go inside of package and find there other name


>> But, if someone asked you what sort of application Metacard is,
>> wouldn't you call it a Carbon application?
> Depends on why you were asking.  If you were thinking about what kind
> of external it requires (as Ruslan probably is) the executable format
> is more important than the API...
>>  The point is that it uses
>> the subset of the old OS9 APIs that are supported under OSX, therefore
>> is a Carbon app ....   ie does Carbon imply the underlying code is
>> mach-O?
> No: you can build a Carbon app either as CFM or Mach-O.  Most of them
> are actually CFM so that you can run the same executable on both OSX
> and OS9.  We switched to Mach-O for 2.4.3 because that format gives
> you access to things like what we need to do shell() which are hard to
> get at from a CFM app.

Best regards,
Ruslan Zasukhin      [ I feel the need...the need for speed ]
web: http://www.paradigmasoft.com

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