On 12/7/02 10:18 AM, Ernst M. Reicher wrote:
Hi listmembers,
1. is anybody missing the old scripteditor menus:
Control Structures
No, I don't miss them. They contained so few of the available commands and functions that I didn't find them useful at all. I never used them.

2. in former versions you could leave "breakpoint"s in your scripts and they
didnīt do anything without opening the debugger and if you needed further
debugging you could easy find the old debugging points.
In version 2.5 there is no extra debugger and MC "debugs" - stops at - every
Right, but that's the way it has to work now that the editor and the debugger are in the same window. I like it, but I suppose that is because of my HyperCard background where the debugger works the same way. I find it convenient to be able to insert a breakpoint in a script and then run my stack normally. The debugger will open automatically whenever it hits the breakpoint. I like that.

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software | http://www.hyperactivesw.com

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