RIchard, you can use "open file" through AppleScript; MC doesn't seem to
support the activate event properly (I've already told Scott about this).
Here's an example:

tell application "Finder"
   open file <path to the app>
end tell

That should do it...

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web Site:

----- Original Message -----
From: "Richard Gaskin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "MetaCard List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, December 18, 2002 1:08 PM
Subject: Bringing an MC app to the front

> I have two MC-based apps in which one causes the other to open documents
> within it.
> Thanks to the discussion here before, I have good communication beteen the
> apps (Apple events on Mac, polling a file on Win).
> Now the problem is that if the second app is already open, it opens
> documents okay but stays in the background.
> How can I hae one MC-based app bring another one to the front?
> I've tried:
>    get "tell application" && quote & tAppName & quote && "to activate"
>    do it as applescript
> Even though the value of tAppName is correct, the reult comes back
> "execution error".  Do I need to build an AppleScript dictionary entry for
> "activate" for that to work?  Earler discussion here made it seem somehow
> simpler...
> --
>  Richard Gaskin
>  Fourth World Media Corporation
>  Developer of WebMerge 2.1: Publish any database on any site
>  ___________________________________________________________
>  Tel: 323-225-3717                       AIM: FourthWorldInc
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