Xavier Bury wrote:

>Been there, done that! I used to ask for beer! 
>But never met
>that kind soul that could refresh my palate!

I'm not sure if Mail services accept to carry
flammable liquids... ;)

>> In the future, maybe we can make a tutorial about
>> customizing this editor, klaus tool and the
>> development enviroment in general!
>> With scripts explained in excess and images of the
>> dialogs and windows.... 
>I dont see the point in that... 
>Why not just edit it? ;))

Not everyone has advanced guessings powers to
understand every code or algorithm that crosses
in front of their eyes.
Even those gifted enough, (capable to load all their
whole programming experience and the full script
language documentation into a searchable memory),
have their days...

>>By the way, Xavier, I still think that your editor 
>>is key to implement the use of other languages 
>>(different than english (like french, german or 
>>spanish) to code the development engine.The 
>>preferences for the language of use could be set
>>with a pop-up button in the home stack or a menu...

>This is a great idea but there is one little problem:
>the MetaTalk parser I cannot change - it's built in 
>MC... Also, I've seen HyperTalk in French (or was it 
>applescripts) and it really sucked and made
>much more confusing and hard to maintain. Latin
>languages are not as nice for programming I guess. 

You have a point here. I understand that Latin
languages are very verbose. Long words everywhere...
But this work of translation is not for us.
We already know english. Figure out, just imagine...

Who could benefit more of the availability of a
computer language similar to their mother language?

That's only possible with a language like MetaTalk,
in an enviroment like MetaCard.
>I could make it also translate you code into what you
>want but the script will never compile! So I fail to 
>see the point...

It's otherwise. You write in your native language and
the editor takes care of translating to english for
the MC engine.

To be fair, error reporting could be a real problem,
and parsing for valid gramatical contructions could
add time to the error checking routines,
but if you could write code that differenciate between

functions, commands, globals, locals, properties,
custom properties ,etc... then it's not impossible.

I'm thinking about a paired table of values
to be replaced:

For example...Only an example...
very long etc...

Array operations could take care of this sustitution
in less than 1 second!

>> Keep Up the good work
>Thanks Alejandro! 
>I will!

You are welcome.

Good luck and hard work.


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