Ken Ray wrote:

> Hey, Richard! You have something there... if you do a shell to switch to
> a drive (like "D:") and there's no media in the drive, it's return "The
> device not ready." under XP, and it DOESN'T throw up a dialog box in
> your face!

Not so fast:  I'm finding mixed results with "shell(<driveLetter>)"

Here's a matrix of results:

Drive type                Function call   result
----------------------    -------------   --------
Hard disk partition       shell("C:")     no err

Hard disk partition       shell("D:")     no err

Memory stick              shell("E:")     XP err dialog

DVD drive                 shell("F:")     no err

CD-ROM drive              shell("G:")     XP err dialog

Removable memory card     shell("I:")     XP err dialog


1. Is there a way to query a drive that doesn't require low-level calls to
the API in XP that won't throw an error requiring user interaction?

2. Am I correct in assuming that this will affect thousands of applications
and an uncountable number of DOS batch scripts worldwide?

3. Is Microsoft familiar with the term "backwardly compatible"?

 Richard Gaskin 
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 Developer of WebMerge 2.2: Publish any database on any site
 Tel: 323-225-3717                       AIM: FourthWorldInc

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