On Tuesday, July 8, 2003, at 08:10 PM, RCS wrote:

It makes me realize that this technology can be pulled out from underneath
us...I feel pretty rattled. What would happen if Apple buys this? Do you
think they will support Windows and Linux? Do you think RunRev has any more
loyalty to us than Scott? There are no guarantees anywhere (what a sad
statement!), so I don't blame Scott...but my heart sank when I read this for
some reason. It seems like the beginning of the end, not a new beginning.

It's definitely a wake-up call for me...I think I'll go see how Java is


Your thoughts?

The writing was on the wall that this was going to happen eventually. I would say congratulations are in order for both Scott and Kevin's respective teams. I look forward to embracing the future of this technology at its new home.

Do not panic. This is not a sign of bad things to come. This unification has been coming for some time. It is not a random act at all. My sincere suggestion is to give Revolution a try. Everything language-wise that exists in MC is there. The only difference is going to be the IDE. I see Revolution having a very long life. Their development team is very knowledgeable. I have been using MC has my development tool for years now. I just recently downloaded the latest version of Rev and have found it to be pretty solid.

Best regards, Mark Talluto http://www.canelasoftware.com

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