Weird cause Im using windows with some 750 MB's of ram (*1.2 swap files)
MC usually doesn't go beyond 30MB's of ram usage (go figure for what!)

To me part of the problem seems that the allocation of the image space in the
stack is not "solid" - it is not compactable it seems for one, and once an image
is decompressed, that's it, you're stuck with that size...

Well, I'm not sure if this is gonna help, but I have
the feeling it's a memory problem.

I always develop my stacks on Mac (OS 9 so far)
and when I do multiple successive "set filename of
img 1" (for an img control used as background
graphic), it seems that previous content of that img
control isn't purged from memory, and that successive
replacements finally crash the app.
Perhaps is it related to the fact that the "always buffer"
prop of that img is set to true... I don't know...

I also noticed that "set filename of img 1 to empty"
before setting filename to another file leads to less

I only experienced these problems in edit mode.
In standalones everything's works perfect...


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