At 1:23 am -0500 7/11/03, Shari wrote:
What's the fastest way to check if an URL exists?

I tried:

if URL ""; is empty then
  blah blah blah
end if

Very very slow. Is there a faster way?

You'll get different results, depending on whether the host server ( or the resource on the server (/something/else.html) doesn't exist. If it's the latter, then typically you'll get a 404 response (the result will return "error 404" plus a descriptive string, often "file not found") But data is usually returned from such a url call, consisting of the "missing page html message" that http servers usually return. So checking for empty won't work in this case. However, the whole process shouldn't be slow.

The "missing host" shouldn't be slow either if the DNS lookup returns quickly. (libUrl does a lookup with hostNameToAdress before making any requests.) "invalid host address" is returned in the result.

A delay is most likely to occur because of connection problems, or when using numerical IP addresses (, etc.) that don't exist on the local network.

At 2:33 am -0500 7/11/03, Brian Yennie wrote:
I think the only way that will be technically faster than this would
be to use sockets, and make a HEAD request, rather than a GET for
the url in question.

You'd have to look up http protocol, but basically what it does it
let you get just the http headers for a page rather than the
contents. You'd also have to parse the return code...

In theory, it should be possible to make a HEAD request using the libUrlSetCustomHttpHeaders routine. But I just checked, and it's flawed. libUrl tries to read for data beyond the returned headers, and you have to wait for a timeout before it returns. I'll try and fix this in a future revision, probably with a specific routine for using HEAD. Meawhile, here's a *quickly* concocted routine for sending HEAD requests. (WARNING: it really needs socketError and socketTimeout handlers and a way to jump out of the waits in the main routine if something goes wrong.)

## this in a button somewhere
## substitue your values for tHost, tResource, tPort
on mouseUp

  put "" into tHost
  put "80" into tPort
  put "/something/else.html" into tResource
  put empty into tData
  doHEAD tHost, tPort, tResource, tData
  if the result <> empty then
    answer the result
    answer tData
  end if
end mouseUp

## this part in the message path (card, stack, library)
local lvWritten, lvReadData, lvReaded

on doHEAD pHost, pPort, pResource, @pResponse

  put "HEAD" && pResource && "HTTP/1.1" into tHeaders
  put crlf & "Host:" && pHost after tHeaders
  put crlf & "User-Agent: Metacard" after tHeaders ##optional
  put crlf & crlf after tHeaders

  put pHost & ":" & pPort into tSocket
  open socket to tSocket
  if the result is not empty then return the result

  put empty into lvWritten
  write tHeaders to socket tSocket with message "written"
  if the result <> empty then
    put the result into tRes
    close socket tSocket
    return tRes
  end if

wait until lvWritten <> empty with messages

  put empty into lvReaded
  read from socket tSocket with message "readed"
  if the result <> empty then
    put the result into tRes
    close socket tSocket
    return tRes
  end if

  wait until lvReaded <> empty with messages
  put lvReadData into pResponse
  close socket tSocket
  return empty

end doHEAD

on written x, y
  put true into lvWritten
end written

on readed x,y
  put y into lvReadData
  put true into lvReaded
end readed

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