Dave Cragg wrote:

At 8:53 pm -0700 20/7/04, Richard Gaskin wrote:

But you raise a good point: would there be any harm in having libURL automatically loaded?

I can't think of any. Unless someone tells me not to I'm inclined to have it do so....

I'm not so sure. (There has to be someone. :))

If the IDE automatically loads libUrl (or any other library), there's a tendency to forget to explicitly add a "start using" in your standalones. This could be another slippery slope where the IDE behaves slightly less like the standalones we use it to build.

That's why I've always removed the parts of the IDE frontscript that start using libUrl whenever you make a get/post/etc url call.

As always, your input is greatly appreciated.

I'll make this a preference instead.

Though it raises a question: Should the Standalone Builder prompt the user with a reminder when building a stack into which no resources have been moved?

I'm not thinking of anything fancy, perhaps just looking for the absence of an Answer Dialog in the stackfile being made into a standalone.


 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]       http://www.FourthWorld.com
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