Tariel Gogoberidze wrote:

1) New answer dialog looks great but  if you try  ...

answer information "Please choose!" with "choice One" or "choice two" or "choice three" or "choice four"

button would overlap icon

Any chance of fixing this?

Fixed for next build.

BTW any chance to add to answer dialog something like..

on linkClicked pLink
  if "@" is in pLink then revMail pLink
  else revGoUrl pLink
end linkClicked

Not too long, rather easy :-)

Best Regards from Paris,
Eric Chatonet

For copyright reasons we can't include Rev's handlers directly in the MC IDE distribution. We can, however, create a library importer. Currently one needs Rev anyway to get the engine, and with some of the changes in an upcoming release of Rev it may be beneficial to require a Rev install somewhere on the drive to draw parts from anyway.

I would rather wait for the next Rev release before adding such a critter to MC, but in the meantime if someone wants to make a plugin for importing Rev libs I see no reason not to.

And may be revGoUrl handler could be added to MC IDE ?. Unless Rev Inc. has something against it of course. It's commonly used in posted stacks and would add more compatibility to MC IDE.

2) Ken Ray did fantastic job improving variable watcher.

Not to mention a lot of vw bugs fixed, improved stability and appearance... (for details type in msg box --> put the uChangeHistory of stack "variable watcher")

Support for arrays is mentioned in "Version History" (under MC IDE "Help" menu).


a) Variables are now sorted within each type of variables
b) Access to "execution contexts" is available in contextual menu on right click c) Ability to change color of each variable type as well as font and font size of vw

BUT, there is one more thing :)

vw has now support to auto select the variable clicked in script editor in debug mode. This is a GREAT feature which requires a minor change to script editor stack script.

here is required change..

on mouseUp
  if the commandKey is "down" and the optionKey is "down" then
    close this stack
  else lookupterm the clickText
end mouseUp

... to this ...

on mouseUp
  if the commandKey is "down" and the optionKey is "down" then
    close this stack
if (the listBehavior of me is true) and ("Variable Watcher" is in the windows) then
      put the hilitedLines of me into tLines
      set the listBehavior of me to false
      put the mouseText into tVar
      set the listBehavior of me to true
      set the hilitedLines of me to tLInes
        send "lookupVar tVar" to card 1 of stack "Variable Watcher"
      catch pError
        lookupterm the clickText
      end try
      lookupterm the clickText
    end if
  end if
end mouseUp

Richard, any chance to add this change to script editor for next build ?

I'm using this feature for couple of months now, no "side effects"

Added to next build, both in MC and devolotion.

3) while I mentioned "Version History" ... there is a following statement there.. :)

3. Checkbox "Hide tools" in the "MeatCard Menu Bar" in case you need a bit extra space and use the tools palette.

"MeatCard" :)

Fixed for the next build.

Thanks for the report.

 Richard Gaskin
 Managing Editor, revJournal
 Rev tips, tutorials and more: http://www.revJournal.com

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