I have to say, Richard agreed to be our grand poohbah for six months, and it has stretched out to something like several years. Thanks for all your efforts and the wonderful job you've done, Richard. We all appreciate it very much.

And a big thanks to Klaus for taking over this job. I know you'll be every bit as conscientious as Richard. We owe you both a debt of gratitude.

Richard Gaskin wrote:
The long delay between v2.5.1 and v2.6 of the MC IDE tells me I'm just a bit overbooked to do a reliable job with timely updates.

I've talked this over with Klaus Major via email, and he would be willing to assume the role of Poohbah for the MC IDE project going forward.

Klaus is well familiar with the code base, having made a great many valuable contributions over the years. I'm confident he'll do a wonderful job of coordinating contributions into the master build.

I can wrap up v2.6 as soon as you folks report back on RC1, and unless there are any objections Klaus can take over from that point forward.

It's been a great experience helping with this project, and I plan to continue to make contributions on future builds. Many thanks to all of you who've contributed to the MC IDE. We've established a simple, flexible workflow for contributions, and to my knowledge it's the longest running open source project in the MetaCard/Revolution community. You folks have done a great job keeping it going into the 21st century.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com
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