Shari wrote:

Is there any chance the bug
is in the engine and not the IDE? An incompatibility with the IDE somehow that they may have to fix in the engine? This is my major concern regarding the Intel-Metacard-Standalone bug. If it's only in the IDE I know it will be fixed :-)

It isn't a bug. Universal binaries require a different build system. It has been implemented in Rev, but since RR doesn't support the MC IDE, it hasn't been implemented there yet. Yes, it is in the IDE, not in the engine. The MC standalone builder simply has to implement a new way of putting together standalones for UB apps.

My interpretation of their website offer is that I'd be paying full price minus $100, split over two years :-( I was prepared for $299...

I haven't looked at the sales end of it for a long time, but are you sure you really need Enterprise? It's cheaper just to buy Studio with an add-on for Windows builds.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software           |
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