On Aug 31, 2006, at 2:52 PM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

In addition to the sort of layout and construction tasks the MC and Rev IDEs have traditionally focused on, my forked IDE (working name "M2") will also include support for the superset of tasks ranging from project management to product management. These new areas of support are largely driven by RIP properties (see <http:// groups.yahoo.com/group/revInterop/>), so they should be fully interoperable with any other tools which also follow those open recommendations.

So if any of you here have opinions about new ways we might expand MC but have been reluctant to recommend them for that IDE and don't want to put in the effort to make your own forked project, maybe there's a way we can divvy up work on this skunkworks version as a playground for these ideas.

I too have amassed a great wad of personal support tools for both MC and RR, many of which are clunky echoes of what RG has released. I never seem to have the time to polish them for others to use, though eventually I demand enough new features from myself that they become almost... quite nearly... just about... but not ACTUALLY ready for prime time. I would love to have incentive to push them over the edge.

Many of my tools pertain to managing projects: loading, saving, building, versioning, and archiving. Others pertain to image manipulation and color management. Most though, are just too project- specific.

Include me in.


Tereza Snyder

   Califex Software, Inc.
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