In case anyone else wonders about this question, I have found a
solution by trial and error.  This may not be the best way (and the
"play" command, according to the MC help, should be replaced in future
development by the "start" command, although there is no mention of
"start step"), but it seems to work:

on pdfToPage n -- show page n of the pdf in player 1
 put round(n) into n -- n as passed by scrollBarDrag doesn't seem to
 -- always be an integer
 put (n-1)*75 into t
 set the playSelection of player 1 to true
 set the startTime of player 1 to t
 set the endTime of player 1 to t+1
 play step player 1
end pdfToPage

(My original question:)

Using MC 2.5 on Mac OSX, I can show a multi-page PDF file in a player
object.  But I can't figure out how to write a script that will
control what page is showing.

For the several example PDF files I've tried, the player's timeScale
is 600 and its duration seems to be something like 75 times (z-1)
where z is the number of pages in the PDF.  But "set the currentTime
of player 1 to (n-1)*75" does not consistently cause page n to be
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